Roligt! :)
Roliga Twilight Parodier
och jag tänkte att ni kanske vill se dom? :D
(hoppas ni tycker dom är roliga :D)
Roliga bilder
Jag känner för att dela ut lite skratt (hoppas jag)
Så här kommer lite roliga bilder:
Va? Vad sa du? Har du ett sexpack... Med Cola?
Maybe THIS will show him who the boss is.
Damn! Is this because I didn't put down the toilet seat?
What do you mean
"Im too young for Edward Cullen?"
I've been here every night... watching you sleep...
Oh Edward! That is ever so romantic!
Stalkers - They are NOT Romantic. They're CREEPY. Call the cops.
-Hammer time
-OMG Edward Cullen!
Kom ihåg!
Länka oss/ha oss som källa om du tar något från bloggen.
Lite roligt här i natten x'D
Haha, älskar första x'D
How do you stop Jacob Black from attacking you?
You pick up a stick, throw it and yell 'fetch'!
Dear Jacob. I win. Sincerely, Edward.
Jasper is sexy, too sexy for his shirt, so sexy that it hurts, that's why he always looks like he's in pain.
I went to La Push, Washington, and all i got was this stupid imprint
-How do you irritate Edward Cullen?
Buy him a dog and call it Jacob!
Roligt xD
Hittade dom hära på
Jag känner mig tvungen att lägga upp dom x)
Jasper Hale will never be a therapist. He already knows how that makes you feel.
One of the few thing Alice can't see is Chuck Norris about to roundhouse kick her.
The Volturi went into hiding when they heard Chuck Norris DOES exist.
What do Edward Cullen and a Christmas Tree have in common??
- Their balls are just for decoration.
Dear Diary,
Today i made Carlisle feel like he was in love with Edward... AGAIN!! LOL
later, Jasper
Dear Diary,
I went to la push washingtona and all i got was this stupid imprint