Twisted Life - Chapter Twelve
Chapter Twelve
Not only the smell of the vampire were intoxicating, his face were the most beautiful I had even seen.
The vampire that stood in the door was the most beautiful vampire I had even seen.
His hair were bronze coloured and lank. His face was even more beautiful than Rosalie’s, in it’s masculine way- but it had a feminine touch, and he smelled even more beautiful. The smell was intoxicating, the perfect fragrance of honey-lilac-and-sun. The smell made me a bit dizzy, a feeling I had never experienced before. I couldn’t take my eyes of him, and it seemed like the others had the same problem.
The vampire looked quickly at everybody, but when he looked at me his gaze stopped and he gazed into my eyes. His red crimson eyes were intoxicating, not the colour, but when I looked into them it felt like I melted. He looked like he concentrated on something, but I had no idea of what. I began to worry if my makeup had been ruined or something.
Then his gaze moved to Jasper, and his facial expression changed. His whole body changes into a defensive position, and a low growl came out of his throat. Jasper just stood there, looking at Alice. Alice would know if he would attack, so I guess Jasper trusted her in that area.
“Edward, this is our family.” Carlisle’s voice broke his attention towards Jasper. He looked at Carlisle and then towards us again. So, his name was Edward. What a beautiful name.
“That’s Rosalie and Emmett, Alice and Esme, Bella and Jasper.” Carlisle said and while he pointed out the individuals of the names Edward’s gaze followed. When Carlisle had said my name he didn’t look away to look at Jasper, his eyes were locked on mine.
Alice begun to giggle, and everybody’s attention were drawn to her.
“Sorry!” She said and continued to giggle. “Can’t help it” She sat down on a step of the stairs. She looked at Edward and smiled.
Edward’s eyes looked fiercely at Alice, and I was scared that he would attack her or something, but then his gaze moved towards me. He looked at me and then he begun to smile. He smiled a crooked smile, and a vibe that felt like an electric shock shot trough my body.
I couldn’t do anything but smile back; he had the most beautiful smile I had even seen.
“Alice, could you stop that.” Edward said and looked over towards Alice. “Stop screaming, please.” He hissed out the last word between his teeth. Everybody stiffened and looked at Edward, everybody but Alice. She just smiled and looked at Edward. What did he mean with ‘Stop screaming’, Alice were quiet. I just stared at him, would he do something? Nobody knew except Alice, and she only smiled. If Alice trusted him, then why wouldn’t I?
“Nope” Alice answered. “It’s just what I know” She looked at me and then back at Edward and then she giggled. “And what you now know.” She giggled again and looked over towards me again. She grinned and then she gave out a low giggle again. I smiled and looked at her in wonder, what did they talk about? And I had never heard her giggle this much.
“Well” Carlisle said and took a slow step towards Edward. “This is our family, would you like a tour around the house?” he made a gesture towards the living room. “Just to see if you really want to stay with us.”
“I think I already made my decision according to Alice, but I would love a tour around the house.” Edward said and then looked at Esme. “I have not been to any particular place; I've just been around, a bit here and there. Just living for the day, you know.”
First Esme looked surprised, and then she calmed down and nodded. “Welcome to the family” she said and smiled.
“Are all of you sure that it’s okay? I mean, I don’t want to be a burden.” He said and smiled that beautiful, crooked smile and then looked at everybody.
Rosalie just smiled and shrugged, obviously she didn’t care, Jasper just nodded and looked at Edward just like he said something important to him, Alice giggled and nodded “’course I want you to stay”, Esme smiled warmly and Emmett were just laughing. When he came to look at me I felt the strange feeling again, I couldn’t move a muscle in my body. He looked at me like he was trying to look into my mind, but something blocked him out.
I remembered that he waited for my acceptance, so I smiled and nodded. I couldn’t do anything else than that, if I tried to talk it would probably just be murmurs. Of course I wanted to have this amazing god here, even though I knew he wasn’t made for me. I felt that the pain and sorrow of Jake were blown away, now the only thing that were in my mind was him. Edward.
Det vart ett kort kapitel här, men jag hoppas ni gillar det! :)
TACK för alla er som tålmodigt har väntat! Det värmer!♥
what can I say, except it's amazing !! :)
Skiit vah bra!
läste allt från början och jag tror inte ens jga var så här "nervös" om man säger så ^^ när jag läste twilight ens..
skiiit jag vill ha meeeer!!!
Skulle du kunna säga till när det kommer mer? :D <3
Hej hitta nyss din sida och när jag läste första kapitlet blev jag fast! Så jävla bra du skriver :D Ska börja föja dig på bloglovin!