Breaking Twilight - Chapter 2

Chapter Two



I was wrong, it was a Renesmee, not a Edward Jr. Edward had laid her on my chest, my beautiful baby. She was as hot as Jacob, maybe hotter, I felt like everything could have been good, like everything would make up the way I thought. I did not know how wrong I was. I felt a warm pain in my chest, and all the sudden Renesmee wasn't with me anymore. I wanted to scream; No! Give her to me, she's mine! I need her! But I couldn't, I had no power left in me. I floated in into a blackness so black I thought I was dead, but all the sudden I heard Jake scream ‘don't you dare to leave me, you promised!' I wanted to answer, ‘Of course I won't leave you, I promised.' That's the least I could do for him, to not let the blackness win. And Edward, how much haven't he done to me? I owe that to him too. I felt how hard it began to be to fight against the blackness; it felt like I bore the whole universe on me.  I don't think I could bare this anymore. I would fail, like I always do in everything I do. I used my last strength and said; "Sorry." That was my last power, I could feel the blackness take over. I had failed, and the last thing I felt was an annoying pain in my heart. I'm so sorry Edward, I can't fight it anymore. That was the last thing I could think before the blackness took over.

Postat av: J

Wow det är riktigt bra de här grejerna! Har inte läst fanfic förut ;D

2009-06-28 @ 01:20:33
Postat av: Rebecka

okej då ska vi länka till din med :)

/Rebecka på Twilight-fans

2009-06-28 @ 04:06:56
Postat av: mikaela

fin blogg.)

2009-06-28 @ 14:05:52
Postat av: Sarah

Sv; haha okej, jag ska se den. Gillar skumma grejer x)

2009-06-28 @ 15:30:43
Postat av: absolutgossipgirl

Jag älskar fanfics och jag ska absolut rekomendera din fan fic på min blogg!!

2009-06-28 @ 22:36:40
Postat av: Lis

Bra text men om det var en pojke skulle han heta EJ, Edward Jacob, inte Edward Jr :)

2009-07-01 @ 12:08:21
Postat av: Bella

Sv; Hon kallade honom Edward Jr några gånger, så jag tyckte det passade bättre ;D



2009-07-01 @ 12:10:30

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