Tävling hos Twilightworld! :D
Ja, just nu har Twilightworld en tävling!
Där man kan vinna en supercool(kall, du vet ;D) affish på Edward! :D
(Jag vet inte säkert om det är denna,
men det är den som dom har på bild)
Det är den postern som man kan vinna :)
Så, vad väntar ni på?
Gå in på Twilightworld NU och var med och tävla! :D
Tävling hos Foki! :D
Foki har nu en till underbar tävling! :D
Vinsten är ett namnhalsband från Betties Galleria.
Man kan välja mellan namnhalsbandet i silver eller i guldpläterat silver,
och jag vill ha det i silver :D
Såhär ser Foki's halsband ut:
Själv tycker jag att halsbanden är Extremt fina,
särskilt just hennes halsband :)
Dagens Bild; Robsten!
Dagens låt!
The Motorhomes - Into The Night
Roligt! :)
Grattis David Slade!!
Svar på kommentarer!
- Anonym
Svar på Kommentaren:
Jag letar efter någon som skriver på svenska, men jag publicerar inte alla som vill bli publicerade.
Den måste uppnå vissa "kriterier", som att den som skriver inte ska göra för mycket stavfel osv.
Men ni som känner att ni är duktiga, och vill bli publicerade, kommentera MED mejladress,
då svarar jag och så får vi prata vidare.
Skulle du kunna kommentera min fanfic? Jag har tyvärr ingen blogg som jag kan lägga ut den på, och jag vet ingen bra hemsida så jag skriver den här istället.
- Anonym
Svar på Kommentaren:
Kommentera inlägget med din mejladress så kontaktar jag dig så kan vi prata vidare om det :)
Dagens Citat!
See… I tell you I can read minds and you think there's something wrong with you?
- Edward Cullen, Twilight
Bjuder på en Bella & Edward bild också! :)
Jag känner mig på hugget med "Dagens" just nu! :D
Jag lägger in dagens citat nu innan jag ska gå och lägga mig :)
Dagens Bild!
Bilden behöver ingen förklaring... :')
Dagens Låt!
Men jag ska försöka att förbättra mig, jag lovar!
Men dagens låt får bli:
Secondhand Serenade - Your Call
Kollade in på Twilightsweden och hittade denna underbara bild!
Jag tror att det är från någon slags drömsekvens eller liknande:)
Vad tror du att det är för scen? :D
The Host blir film!
Stephanie Meyer's bok "The Host" kommer bli till film!
Läs mer HÄR! :D
Tävling hos Foki! :D
Foki har just nu en tävling,
där man kan vinna ett valfritt smycke från Cocoo!
Det är jätte enkelt!
Söta Foki^^
Här är smycket jag önskar mig ^^,
Cocoo är en underbar Internetaffär
med massor av snygga accessoarer!
Glöm nu inte att kika in på Fokis.se eller på Cocoo!
Ashley har skaffat Twitter!
Listan med låtarna för New Moon's Soundtrack!
Här är låtarna som ska vara med på New Moon's Soundtrack!
| Källa |
40 NYA bilder från New Moon, bakom kamerorna!
Läste på Twilightsweden att det har
kommit ut bilder från NEW MOON på Hollywood Backlot!
Jag lovar, jag tror jag svimmade av där ettag ! :O
Lägger upp några, men om ni vill se alla, klicka på på länken där nere! :D
För att se alla, klicka här!
Grattis Christian Serratos 19 år!
51 saker Emmett INTE får göra.
1. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to superglue a tail and dog ears on Mike...
2. And then put him on a leash...
3. And call him his bitch...
4. And enter him in a dog show
5. Emmett is not allowed to wear Alice's bra like a mask and tell little kids that he is the supervillan 'The Bramanator' and that he will destroy them if they don't pay him 21 billion dollars in kittens and puppies
6. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to give Charlie an irritable grizzly bear for his birthday
7. Emmett is not allowed to refer Edward as Sex Ed
8. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to tell jasper that Texans are hicks
9. Call Carlisle Dr. Carlisle Condom
10. Call Edward's phone and say that the orphanage would like him to donate breast milk
11. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to say he's pregnant and that Alice is the father
12. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to scream "ROAD KILL!" when someone who looks like a squirrel gets hit by a car
13. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to tell mike if he ran around the school naked he could hook him up with Bella
14. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to tell Alice she's fat and needs to borrow Esme's granny panties
15. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to tell the fourth graders to dress up as Union Soldiers and attack Jasper
16. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to serenade Mike in front of the whole school
17. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to attempt to fix Charlie's lack of sex life
18. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to enter a beauty pageant
19. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to write "Jasper loves you too" on the boy's bathroom walls...
20. Or "Edward loves you too"
21. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to shove dog food down Jacob's throat
22. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to blow up any building
23. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to own a Volvo...
24. That really is Edward's thing
25. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to enter American Idol...
26. Or "So you think you can dance..."
27. Because, truthfully, he can't dance
28. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to use glitter and super glue...
29. Especially on items such as Jasper's army uniform, Edward's Volvo, Eric's forehead
30. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to become a bus driver...
31. And drive all the kids off a cliff
32. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to complete the "21 hilarious things to do in Walmart" list...
33. Or any other list
34. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to call Jasper an emotional wreck
35. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to dress up as Jasper for Halloween...
36. And start making out with Edward...
37. Or the real Jasper
38. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to write "Edward can hear you" on the bathroom wall
39.Emmett is not allowed to sing and dance to Single Ladies...
40. Because Joe Jonas was scary enough
41. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to stalk Bella and ask her how it feels
42. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to call himself a unicorn
43. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to jump on Mike in a dark alley
44. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to walk in on Bella and Edward...
45. Or Jasper and Alice...
46. Just don't do it.
47. Emmett Cullen is not allowed to throw Alice in a river
48. Emmett is not allowed to call Alice Queen of the Pixies
49. And force her into a tinkerbell outfit
50 .And finally, Emmett must never call Alice fat
"Think that should do it?" Bella asked Jasper as they taped the very large list to the wall.
"Bella, you can't be serious. I mean really, how many have we made?" Jasper questioned, making a good point.
"That's like what, number 127?" Alice said as she walked by.
"OH HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! JASPER!" Edward yelled at the top of his lungs from the computer upstairs.
They all slowly stalked up the stairs. On the computer was Emmett's Facebook profile, and his status was:
"Ya know, Jasper is pretty hot for a gay vamp."
Jasper fell backwards at reading the words. Alice and Bella stalked back down the stairs and wrote:
51. Emmett Cullen is NEVER, EVER, EVER allowed to tell anyone that Jasper is a hot, gay vamp.
1 cm = ? Pixlar....?
Jag har en fråga till er...
Hur många pixlar är 1 cm?
Jag har INGEN aning :S
Skulle uppskatta er hjälp! :)
Förlåt + Dagens Låt!
Ja, förlåt att jag inte bloggar så ofta...
Men det är så att jag måste hjälpa till väldigt mycket hemma,
vi bor på landet och har en stor trädgård,
och det är jag som måste klippa gräset .. :P
Dagens Låt:
Superchick - Stand in the rain
Bli medlem och få gratis Biobiljetter / Presentkort!
Jag vill bara informera er om en undebar sida, GratisBio.
Där kan man samla poäng genom att vara med i tävlingar,
besöka hemsidor, vara aktiv, göra erbjudande,
värva vänner, spela spel och massa andra roliga saker!:)
Man kan hitta vänner och chatta!
När man samlat ihop till 400p så kan man växla in dom till en biobiljett.
Men det är inte allt!
Man kan även växla in poängen till Bio Meny biljett (200p),
presentkort på Nelly (minst 400p), Unibet,
Tidningspreumerationer (minst 800p)
eller presentkort på massor av kedjor(minst 200p)!
Så gå in på Gratisbio och bli medlem nu!
Rob twittrade via Peter
Dagens låt!
Jag har varit lite slapp med Hela "dagens" kategorien,
men jag lovar, jag ska försöka bli bättre!
Men dagens låt blir iallafall:
Secondhand Serenade - Your Call
Twisted Life - Chapter Ten
Chapter Ten
I felt like I would throw up, even though I didn’t eat anything, when I thought of why Alice did this.
When I was lying on the green grass in the meadow I didn’t feel anything, I didn’t feel the wind that blew, making the tree’s leaves dance, I didn’t even feel my own body, there were a massive black hole were it would have been.
I knew that it were too late to do something about this, even if I marched down to Jake’s house and told him exactly how I felt, he wouldn’t care. I were all alone now, alone with my massive, unrealistic pain.
That girl, who was she? Where did Jake meet her? How did he meet her?
At least I knew that she didn’t live in La Push or Forks, then I would know who she were; I would have remembered her smell, she smelled too good to be forgotten.
I couldn’t push those thoughts away; they were stuck in my head, stuck in there forever.
Now the picture of Jake and the girl with the kids were burning in my memory, how could I ever wanting to have that?
Oh right, when I thought he couldn’t find anyone else, when he had me.
Stupid! I thought fiercely to myself. Why would he want me?
Well, maybe it’ like they say; you always want what you can’t get.
How could I ever heal, heal from this pain that ate me from inside, the pain that made my body ten thousand kilos heavier, like it would fall trough the ground.
How could I ever go back, ever go back to my family, pretending to be okay? Like this never happened, like Jake didn’t exist.
Yeah, that’s the main question; how?
A new thought came up, maybe if I could be his friend? Just hang out, not being together as a couple, just hang out like friends. But that thought were killed before I begun to hope. I wasn’t that strong. I would see them together, and I wouldn’t be able to see that without feeling that massive wave of pain to flow over me.
Why should everything be so damn hard? Well, maybe because I’m a monster who doesn’t deserve a life that is easy.
I closed my eyes and let the pain take over me, there were no reason trying to hold it away.
I didn’t know how long I had been laying there when my cell-phone begun to vibrate in my right pocket. I guessed it was Alice, who else would call me when they knew I didn’t want to be disturbed?
I sighed and answered, without saying anything, and waited for her to begin. She better have something important to say or else- I didn’t even finish that though in my head.
“Bella?” She asked and I sighed in response, who else would it be?
“Oh, right. Sorry. But Bella… I think you need to get going home.” What was that about? Why did I need to get going home? This was just stupid, un-important. I were about to end the conversation by just smashing the phone into dust, but I controlled myself.
I sighed when she didn’t say anything. “Why?” I asked, without any interest on getting the answer. She would probably just say that everybody missed me.
“Just trust me, you need to get home.”
“No, I don’t need to get home.” I neither need nor wanted to go home. All the memories that would be there, I shivered at the thought.
“Please, Bella. Well, I guess that if you don’t come home willingly I will send Emmett and Jasper after you, and they will drag you home.” She giggled. “Carlisle and Esme would probably come with them to help” She obviously thought she was funny. But when she said Carlisle and Esme’s names, I had begun to wonder, but only for one thousandth of a second, if I was stupid by still laying here.
“Ha, ha.” I Said sarcastic.
”I’m serious, Bella.” she took a pause and then continued “Oh. I will run to meet you.” She said happily and then she hanged up; I guessed that I would be going home now.
My whole body screamed at me when I got up, and I almost wanted to obey it, to just collapse and continue to lay here, but then I remembered Alice and begun to run home.
“Bella!” Alice said when she met me when I was almost halfway home. “Bella, you look terrible!” Well, at least I felt terrible, so that wasn’t news.
“Hi, Alice, nice to see you, too.” I said sarcastic and looked at her. She looked happy, like just meeting me made her happy. What a stupid thing to be happy about.
“Bella, How are you?” She asked.
What did she honestly think? I sighed; I didn’t want to answer that.
“Seriously, I wanna know. I can’t even begin to try imagining how you feel.” She looked at me and I felt that she was serious, but how could I ever explain how I felt?
“Alice, I don’t even know how to even begin…” I begun, I didn’t need to say anything more, even though I wasn’t going to.
“Please, try. I wanna help out. I don’t wanna be the sister who just says ‘I know how you feel’ when I don’t even know how sorrow feels.”
“It feels like a huge hole has been punched trough my heart, like…” I sighed. I couldn’t find the right words. “Like my whole world has been torn apart, like my heart has been brutally taken out, like nothing ever will be okay again…”
“Bella, I wanna be able to help, but I just don’t know how…” Alice said and I saw on her facial expression that she were really sorry.
“I don’t expect you to help; I don’t expect anyone to help. This is just too complicated for anyone to understand.”
Alice nodded and then took his eyes off my face; she looked at my body as if she thought the clothes I wore were awful. They couldn’t be that bad, could they?
“Hmm… I will need to cloth you and do some makeup…” She murmured.
“What?” I asked. Why would she need to do that? I wasn’t planning on staying home for long, just staying as long as that thing Alice had planned was over.
“Nothing, let’s go home.” She said reached out for my hand. I sighed, took her hand and we both begun to run home. I tried to think of meeting the family instead of that pain I felt, of course it didn’t help.
“Remind me why I’m letting you do this again, please.” I said when I sat on a chair in Alice room.
She had carried in a small table into the room and had putted all makeup you can ever think of, the table was full. I tried to find a spot between the makeup what the wood showed, un-successfully.
“We will have a visitor, and you wanna look great by then.” I looked at her with mistrust. “Trust me.” She said and begun to paint my lips with a red lipstick she had in her hand.
“Why won’t you tell me who it is?” I said between my teeth, not moving my lips, if I would have moved my lips, I would have gotten myself an angry Alice.
“Because I don’t want to”, She answered. I closed my hands into fists and tried to control my anger, I didn’t want to get angry at Alice right now.
She told me to close my eyes so she could paint my eyelids, so unnecessary according to me, and I did tell her so. But she repeated what she said before.
Who will come to visit us, a nomad, or maybe Tanya? But then, why would I need makeup? I couldn’t put the pieces together.
Alice eyes got focused on something that weren’t in this room, looking into the future.
“Oh, I’ll better hurry up.” Alice said and begun to put the makeup on my face even faster. I wondered how that even was possible.
I were about to ask why she needed to hurry up, but then I realized that I really didn’t want to know.
“Done!” She said and grinned. “You look really beautiful, Bella! Rose will get so jealous.”
“’Course I look beautiful. No one looks like something else than beautiful after you’re done with them.” When I said that, her grin just grew and then she hugged me.
“Well, then promise that you wont get mad now.” She said and took both my hands.
What was it now? I felt like I would throw up, even though I didn’t eat anything, when I thought of why she did this. Had she invited Jake over? I felt the stress grow inside me, just like it reached out from my stomach to my toes and out trough my hair.
I stared at her with big eyes, I were just about to speak when she opened her mouth.
“No, Bella. Don’t be stupid, I wouldn’t do that to you.” She said and looked first angry, but then she looked sad. “Is that what you think of me?” she looked at me just like she would begin to cry. “Do you really think I would do that to you, Bella?
“You’ll never know when it’s you, Alice.” I said. I was a little less stressed now, but what did she mean then, if it weren’t about Jake?
I felt that every time I even thought of his name it felt like something stabbed me right in the gut.
Before I could think anything more she whispered “Wait a sec-” and ran out the room, I raised myself to standing, but she were gone, she had left me alone.
Alone. It scared me, without knowing why. Standing in Alice room alone was, and I’m not overreacting, terrifying. Without even needing the air, I started to breath fast and shallow. The pain in my head and body were overwhelming, the pain of knowing that I were alone, with no one near. I knew I was being pathetic, but I just wanted to run after Alice, just to hear her breathing.
I fell apart totally, I just collapsed, I felt myself falling apart, I felt the floor against my cheek.
This was the end; I won’t be able to live like this. I wanted this to be the end.
“Bella!” Alice said when she came in trough the door with clothes in one hand and Jasper in the other hand.
I felt better at once, not okay, but better. Jasper was really good at making people feeling just like he wanted, only now I guessed that it were really hard.
“Bella”, Alice mumbled when she kneeled in front of me and took me in her arms. “It’s okay. I’m sorry; I shouldn’t have left you alone.” She continued mumbling. Even though Jaspers gift, I still felt that pain, even though that the sadness were gone.
“No, it’s not you’re fault. It’s my fault for being so pathetic.”
“Bella” Alice said and took my face between her small hands and looked deeply into my eyes. “You’re not being pathetic. I mean, if I were in your place, if Jasper found someone else” Jasper growled at her words and Alice looked at him with a look that was filled with love, and then she looked at me again. “Bella, if Jasper would find someone else, then I wouldn’t be able to live, I would just run away, and don’t care about anything anyone said. I think you’re really strong.” She talked slowly, as if I wouldn’t understand if she didn’t.
She slowly helped me up to standing; it felt like my legs would brake anytime.
“I don’t believe that.” I mumbled so low that it even were difficult for Alice to hear, and then I sat down on the chair I sat on when she made my makeup.
“At least it’s true.” She said and then she looked down at her hands. “Oh right! Here, promise you won’t get mad.” She said and reached her hands for me.
“I don’t think I’m able to get mad anymore” I sad and took the clothes from her.
It was a simple, ocean-blue tube top and a short, black skirt. The tube top was really beautiful, the blue colour were amazing. The colour made the simple top look… Amazing, almost enchanting, I just sat there and stared idiotically on the top.
“Alice… It’s beautiful!” I said when I held it up in front of me.
“I know you would say that”, she said and smiled. Of course she knew that. “Take it on, the shoes stands at the door.” She said and pointed against the door.
“Okay, you know that it isn’t really necessary but…”I said and looked at her. She continued to look at the door; it looked like she had a vision. Wonder what she saw?
“Soon”, she said and smiled against the door. “Get dressed and meet us downstairs.” She said, without giving me a look, and then she and Jasper were gone before I could think about it further, I guess I was slow today.
While got dressed I thought of who it could be that will come and pay us a visit. I didn’t care about the being lonely by now, I knew that I were my destiny to be lonely, now I only knew that we were about to have a visitor.
Stephanie är anklagad för plagiat!
Det är den senaste boken i vampyrserien, ”Så länge vi båda andas” som är i hetluften, skriver The Guardian.
Författaren Jordan Scott hävdar att Meyers bok i flera avseenden är ”slående och påtagligt lik” hennes egen bok ”Nocturne”. Hon kräver både ekonomisk ersättning och att Meyers förlag stoppar vidare utgivning av boken.
Meyers förlag tillbakavisar kraven som grundlösa, och hänvisar bland annat till att man inte ens fått ett exemplar av boken och inte kände till vare sig den eller författaren plagiat-anklagelserna dök upp.
* plagiat = när man härmar någon med något som t.ex låtar eller som i detta fall, böcker.
David uppdaterar sin Twitter!
Man kan ju undra vilken scen det var? ;D
Peter "Carlisle" Fancinelli är trött
104 sätt att irretera Edward på
104 Ways to Annoy Edward Cullen
1. Call him Eddy, all the time
2. Give yourself a paper cut and make a point of showing him the blood, then put it in your mouth. Say, “Mmmm, Delicious! Want some?”
3. Say “you don’t look that scary”
4. Use vampire expression like “holy Dracula” and “good bye sweet Transylvania”
5. Visualize yourself naked
6. Ask him to help you do something impossible (save the world, build an atomic clock, help you with your calculus ect). When he has trouble say “never mind, I’m sure Jacob could help me”
7. Drive REALLY slow
8. Volunteer him for a blood drive
9. Hold up a bottle of ketchup and say, “look!! BLOOOOOD OOOOOOOO”
10. Hang posters that say “I support Jacob Black” and “Jacob Black for President” All over his room
11. Throw him to the crazy fan girl hordes.
12. Tie Bella to some railroad tracks. When he gets mad, say, “Wow, a little overprotective, aren’t we? I’m sure Jacob wouldn’t have a problem with this.”
13. Say, “Hey, aren’t you that guy from Harry Potter?”
14. Tell him that Emmet is a cooler vampire than him.
15. Tell him that Jane has the coolest vampire power. Mention that it’s significantly better than mind reading.
16. Continually suggest that he’d be better off eating Bella, rather than dating her.
17. Mention that he isn’t a real vampire.
18. When flying on an airplane, say, “If this plane crashes on an island, we eat Bella first.”
19. Suggest that his life is too stressful. Recommend aromatherapy.
20. When he announces his wedding, say “Why? Is Bella pregnant?”
21. Leave bloody dead animals around him. Insist that you’re helping with the aromatherapy.
22. Invite Jacob’s whole family to the wedding. When he gets mad, say, “I was just trying to help.”
23. Invite the Volturi to the wedding.
24. Make a list of the ways that werewolves are cooler than vampires. Show it to him. Act offended when he gets mad.
25. Tell him that he’s too closed-minded: he needs to welcome people of all cultures into his life.
26. Talk in Ebonics.
27. Tell him to “bear in mind other people’s thoughts.”
28. Kidnap Bella. When he asks where she is, say, “Don’t worry about it.”
29. When he threatens to kill you, say, “Now, now, aren’t we being a little hasty?”
30. When he really is going to kill you, blame Alice. Say she took her to LA to go shopping.
31. Poke him.
32. When he talks about how painful his transformation was, say, “Oh, yeah, your life is soooo hard.”
33. When he talks about how much he loves Bella, say, “Aren’t you a little young to know what love is? Maybe you should wait till you’re a few years older.”
34. Make Bella wear a team Jacob shirt.
35. Suggest that he and Bella take some time off to “see other people.” Recommend Jessica Stanley for him.
36. Run over his Volvo with Bella’s truck.
37. While he’s listening, tell Bella she deserves something better.
38. Invite him to go to the beach with you.
39. Read the back of the Twilight books to him. Bonus points for using a dramatic announcer voice.
40. Blame him for all of Bella’s past injuries.
41. Constantly hint at how good Bella must smell.
42. Visualize his life in 20 years. SUV, suburban house, 12 kids.
43. Laugh when Bella trips. Loudly.
44. Shine a bright light in his face. Say, “Darnit, you didn’t go all sparkly.”
45. Buy a copy of Breaking Dawn on the black market. Tell him he dies at the end.
46. Ask him where he buys his body glitter.
47. Suggest self-tanner.
48. When Bella says how much she loves him, think then why was she making out with Jacob down at La Push yesterday?
49. When he gets mad, innocently say, “I didn’t say anything.”
50. Point out the circles under his eyes. Tell him to get more sleep.
51. Offer to lend him your concealer.
52. Withdraw the offer. Tell him that he’s too pale for this shade.
53. Suggest that a week in the tropics would do him good.
54. Tell him that we’re getting tired of his “scary” act.
55. Redecorate his room in a Care-bear theme.
56. Tell him that it will help him be happy.
57. Buy him a wolf plushie.
58. Turn his piano into a craps table.
59. Suggest that he try harder to make new friends.
60. Tell him that he should hang out with Mike Newton more often.
61. Put pretty bows in his hair while he’s distracted.
62. Tell him that pretending to sleep would make him sympathize with the humans more.
63. Cook delicious-looking meals. When he won’t eat them, get offended. Tell him “I put my sweat and blood into that meal!”
64. Suggest the same stupid plan over and over again. When he gets mad, say, “Well now, who got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning…oh, wait!”
65. Tell him he could up his cool if he went out for football. Or Track.
66. Wear tinfoil on your head. When he asks why, tell him that people are always trying to read your mind.
67. Give yourself a paper-cut in front of Jasper.
68. When he attacks, say, “Bad, dog, down!”
69. Suggest that they keep Jasper in the back yard. “If he can’t be civilized, well…”
70. Push Bella in front of a bus.
71. Pour ketchup on Bella.
72. Ask him to sign your copy of Twilight.
73. Wonder loudly to yourself what The Souls are going to do with the Cullen’s when they invade.
74. Plant daisies in his house.
75. Break all of his CDs.
76. Take Bella shopping. Accidentally leave her at the mall.
77. Crash his wedding.
78. When he plans his wedding, say, “Who’s going to come? You know like four people.”
79. Whenever he comes into the room, start mentally singing the ‘Gilligan’s Island’ theme song.
80. When he tells you to stop, say, “Stop what?”
81. Take all of his CD’s. Replace them with songs from Disney movies.
82. Tell him that he and Bella should go on more ‘real dates.’
83. Ask him if he’s planning on having a vampire attack Bella every spring break. Mention that you know someone who would be willing to help this year.
84. Make a list of reasons why Bella should leave him. Make sure that you have one of them be, “Jacob. Enough said.”
85. Roll in glitter. Run around saying, “Look at me! I’m Edward! I’m Edward!”
86. Write him love poems. Sign them from Jacob.
87. Tell him that it’s perfectly acceptable to be an ‘alternative couple’ with Jacob.
88. Diagram a love triangle: Edward <3 Jacob. Jacob <3 Bella. Bella <3 Edward.
89. When he plans his wedding, say, “You know, the leading cause of divorce is marrying too young.”
90. Suggest that the Cullen’s have more “family meetings.” Make a point not to invite Bella.
91. Tell Bella that her cooking skills will be wasted if she marries him.
92. Ask him if he’ll still love Bella once she’s a vampire and not clumsy anymore.
93. Give him your Divorce attorney’s card. Tell him it’s “Just in case.”
94. Skip around the house chanting, “Edward and Bella, sitting in a tree.”
95. Diagnose him randomly. “Maybe you have sleep apnea.” “You look anemic. Have you been getting enough red meat?” “Maybe it’s a vitamin D deficiency.” Ask Carlisle to back your suggestions up.
96. Invite small children to his house for ‘scary story time’.
97. Paint his room. Pink.
98. Ask if you’re going to be in the wedding party. Repeatedly. And frequently.
99. Wonder what to get him for a wedding present. “A mattress topper? No, that won’t work. A blender? No, wait…oh! A trip to Hawaii. Oh, never mind…”
100. Wave wooden crosses and strings of garlic at him randomly. When he asks what you’re doing, say, “I know I read this somewhere.”
101. Mail him a llama. When he asks why, say, “Why not?”
102. Don’t think.
103. Buy him a dog. Name it Jacob.
104. Knock on his door and the second he opens it, start singing Christmas carols really loud and off key.
Åldersgränsen för New Moon är satt i USA
MPAA i USA som sätter åldergränserna har satt New Moon som PG-13.
Vilket innebär att det är föräldrarna som bestämmer hurvida deras barn ska få se filmen eller inte, på grund att lite mer våld och starkare språk.
Vanligtvis innebär PG-13 att det är från 11 år men inte i detta fallet. Twilight var även den PG-13 och blev satt från 15 år i Sverige så troligen, tyvärr, lär detsamma hända för New Moon som dessutom är lite mörkare.
SF har ännu inte satt sin gräns officiellt på hemsidan, men eftersom twilight vart satt 15 års gräns så tror jag själv att det inte kommer bli under 15års gräns ..
Vad tycker ni om detta?
Tävling på Thetwilightsaga!
Var gärna med i thetwilightsagas tävling! :D
Det är ett Team Switzerland paket som är vinsten! :D
Och ni har större chans att vinna om ni prenumenerar via bloglovin på dem eller att skriva ett inlägg om dem! :D
Ja, jag tänkte ha en liten tävling! :D
Det är en liten tävling, men jag hoppas att ni vill vara med iallafall!
Såhär går det till:
Ni kommer på en Vampyrkaraktär själva,
sen ska ni förklara utseende,historia, ålder, beteende och "gåva", Allt ni kommer på.
Sedan den jag tycker är bäst får vara med i min Fanfic! :D
Och om du har blogg kommer jag att länka dig :)
Så börja skriva ! :D
Jag börjar med en liten tävling till att börja med,
men det kommer att komma en lite större tävling lite senare! :D
Poisonous life - Kapitel 6
Jag ber så hemskt mycket om ursäkt för jag har inte varit mer aktiv på bloggen, men det har varit väldigt mycket just nu men jag ska försöka hinna med den. Här har ni ett litet tröstpris det sjätte kapitelet av Poisonous life. Jag har inte så mycket tid att skriva pågrund av skola och kompisar men ska verkligen försöka sköta mig.
Här har ni, enjoy!
Kapitel 6
Allt var helt konstigt efter det. Renesmee envisades med att jag skulle följa med henne till La Push och träffa Jake. Men jag kom alltid på någon ursäkt och jag kunde se hur hon blev mer besviken för varje ursäkt som blev till.
Varför jag inte ville åka dit var för Seth. Han skrämde mig lite med sin intensiva blick men jag visste att det inte skulle ta lång tid innan Nessie släpade upp mig till La Push och jag hade rätt.
En vecka efter mina dåliga ursäkter sade Nessie till på skarpen och lät mig veta hur mycket det betydde för henne när jag följde med henne. Jag bad om ursäkt och gav med mig på köpet.
Så på lördag morgon satt vi i bilen påväg till Jacob (och Seth, fast Renesmee inte hade nämnt hans namn). Jag hade rätt. I fönstret till Jacobs hus stod Seth och Jacob och tittat på oss när vi kom. Jag suckade och blängde på Renesmee och hon tittade på mig ett underbart leende som gjorde att jag sänkte min blick. ”Why are you doing this to me, Nessie?” frågade jag och Renesmee skrattade. Hon öppnade bildörren och hoppade ut. Jag gjorde likadant.
Jacob och Seth kom och välkomnade oss vid dörren. Seth tittade bara på mig och log. Jag kunde inte låta bli att le tillbaka och i ögonvrån såg jag Renesmee le ännu större. Sen viskade hon något till Jacob och han nickade. Renesmee tjöt till och jag hoppade till. Jag tittade frågande på henne men hon log bara mot mig.
”Me and Jake has something to do in the garage”, sade hon och tog tag i Jakes hand och drog ut honom. Jag tittade efter dem och sen på Seth. Hans ögon lyste av beundran och jag rodnade och tittade bort.
”Do you want to sit down?” frågade han och jag nickade. Han tog mig hand och en elektrisk stöt for igenom hela min kropp. Jag hoppade till en aning.
Seth drog med mig till Jakes vardagsrum och jag satte mig bredvid honom i soffan. Han lade armen om mig och det kändes underbart... men för snabbt. Jag tittade på Seth och hans underbara leende. Hans hår var rufsigt och urläckert. Jag svalde hårt för att få bort känslan. Kunde jag verkligen vara förälskad i honom? Plötsligt reste han sig upp och jag ville bara dra ner honom i soffan igen. Men han gick ut i köket och kom tillbaka med en lång svart ask.
”I would like you to have this”, sade han och gav mig asken. Jag började rodna igen och tittade ner på asken I mina hander. Sen öppnade jag den och ett fint halsband låg inuti. Det hade ett svart läderband och i satt en vargberlock. Jag flämtade till. Det var hur vackert som helst. Seth satte sig ner igen.
”Do you like it?” Jag nickade och Seth tog asken från mina händer. Han tog upp halsbandet och jag satte mig med ryggen mot honom och lyfte upp mitt blonda hår. Han satte på mig det och jag släppte ner mitt hår och vände mig och tittade han rakt in i ögonen och jag drunkade. Jag tittade ner på mitt halsband och pillrade på berlocken. ”What do the wolf stand for?” Han ryckte på axlarna och jag fnissade. ”I like it anyway.”
”You do? You really do?”
“Of course, it’s beautiful, Seth. I mean it.” Seth log och lutade sig närmare mig. Jag lutade mig också närmare. I mitt huvud var det upp och ner. Var detta rätt? Borde jag kyssa honom? Gillade jag honom verkligen? Han gillade mig, det visste jag och i den stunden visste jag att jag också gillade honom. Riktigt mycket. Men var detta verkligen rätt? Och plötsligt var mitt huvud tomt förutom en sak. Seth. I mina tankar gick det runt bilder på honom när hans läppar mötte mina. Jag tog upp min hand och tvinade in den i hans hår och tryckte mig närmare honom. Seth lade sin hand på min rygg och tryckte mig närmare också.
Plötsligt hörde jag ett harklande och ett fnissande. Jag drog mig kvickt undan från Seth fast jag inte ville. Hela jag ville ha honom men bakom soffan stod Jacob och Renesmee.
”Have you told her?” frågade hon Seth och han skakade på huvudet. Sen såg Renesmee antagligen mitt halsband och lutade sig närmare mig. ”But you gave her the necklace.” Hon rätade på sig och tittade förvirrat på Seth. Han nickade.
”I hadn’t a chance to talk with her about that”, sade han och jag fattade ingenting. Vad var det han ville berätta för mig? Jag tittade på Seth och han log. Jag log tillbaka och tvingade bort känslan av att vilja smeka hans kind. Som om han kunde läsa mina tankar smekte han min kind och jag ryste till. Jacob klökte och Renesmee blängde på honom.
”Don’t do that, she’s my best friend and this is the only way she can know my secret, behave please.” Jacob nickade och kysste henne I pannan.
“What secret?” frågade jag och tittade frågande på Renesmee. Hon suckade och tittade på Seth.
”Seth has something he wants to tell you”, sade hon och tittade på Seth. Seth suckade och nickade.
The Used ska vara med på Soundtracket!
Som alla vet ska Death Cab For Cuties vara med på Soundtracket,
men The Used kommer också vara det! :D
Bert McCracken, ledsångaren i bandet har avslöjat att
deras låt For You I Would kommer att vara filmens "title track".
Själv tycker jag att Både DCFC och The Used är superbra, men vad tycker NI?
Tycker ni att dom blir bra?
Alla trailers i en! 3 till 1 :D
Behöver jag säga ngt mer? ^^
LÄÄS! Twilightinspelning! :D
Twilightfacts har just nu ett project På G! :D
Dom ska filma en Twilight film!
Om du tycker det låter intressant, gå då in på deras blogg och läs vidare.
Det skadar ju inte att gå in och läsa? ^^
Tyvär är rollerna Edward, Bella, Jacob, Rosalie och Jessica upptagna,
men det finns ju många kvar att vara! :D
Så gå in på Twilightfacts och läs! :D
(mer inlägg om det kommer nog senare också! ;D)
(Det är riktigt snälla tjejer, så snälla, gå in och läs vidare! :D )
(ps, jag kan inte skriva på msn just nu Nathalie, men när du läser detta, sov gott ^^ )
VMA + Trailern, DCFC!
(Jag vill bara tillägga en sak..
Hon behöver inte ha klippt sig, hon kan bara ha det "uppsatt" där bak .. :D )
Death Cab For Cuties (DCFC)- Meet Me On The Equinox
Trailern !!
Den nya trailern som visades på MTV VMA!
Älskar när dom säger:
The girl comes with us
och sen säger Edward:
You can go to hell
Svar på kommentar!
Vi fick en kommentar till förra inlägget, och eftersom du inte hade skrivit någon E-mail eller blogg så svarar vi med jag med ett inlägg.
Tack så hemskt mycket, det värmer :)
Det är inte jag (Bella) som skriver på Poisonous life, det är Ebba, så jag vet faktiskt inte.
Men jag ska ta och prata med henne, så får vi se :D
Ny header ! :D
Som ni kanske märkt så har jag gjort en ny header :P
Dom är lätt gjorda, så ingen j är "perfekt"..:P
Men jag kommer att byta lite då och då ;D
Hoppas ni tycker om den :D
Grattis på födelsedagen Bella!
Grattis säger vi till Bella som fyller år idag! :D
Ögon och Öron godis & skratt!
Så det blir inga inlägg ikväll/imorgon.. :P
Men jag tänkte att jag ska bjuda på lite ögon och öron godis :D
Maria Mena - Sorry
We Never Were
This Providence - Sure as hell
The Corrs Feat. Bono - When the stars goes blue
If you say one more blonde joke to Rose Jacob, I swear...
That one there, Rosalie Hale, is one of
the dumbest girls you will ever meet.
Jessica sat next to her in English last year.
She asked me how to spell orange.
And then she made me sparkle for her
How could she do that to me?
I am not a jar of glitter!
Twilightgoogle! :D
Japp, det finns!
Gå in på Twilightgoogle och sök,
då får du bara in Twilight relaterade träffar.
Taylor Lautner Kalender!
Behöver jag verkligen skriva något mer?
Här kan ni beställa den!
De nya bilderna på Edward, Bella, Alice & Volturi
Den nya TRAILERN har läckt ut!
Japp du läste rätt!
Den har läckt ut, och här är den:
Jag kollade på den om och om igen! :D
Vad som ska vara med i Nya New Moon Trailern
- Volturi lair - Aro, Caius, Marcus
- Felix fighting Edward
- Edward being thrown about the lair two or three times.
- Bella begging them to not hurt him
- Edward leaving Bella in the woods (more dialogue than we’ve already heard)
- Bella in the woods
- Bella in despair in her room
- Bella confronting the pack, Paul morphing in to a wolf in front of Bella
- Bella and Jacob with Jacob’s “I would never hurt you” line
- Bella on the bike seeing Edward and falling over.
- Edward vision in the school parking lot with voiceover from Bella saying it’s the only way she can see him
- Bella and Jessica walking with Jessica saying “so you’re an adrenaline junkie now”
- Bella on the cliff diving into the water. Bella in the water seeing Edward
- Jacob rescuing her and asking why she did that
- Alice appearing and telling Bella that Edward is going to kill himself
- Jacob trying to stop Bella from leaving to stop Edward
- Shot of the Porsche in the countryside, and Bella and Alice in the car
- Volterra and the parade
- Shirtless Edward
- Bella running to stop him in the fountain
- Jane saying something like ‘this may hurt a little’
Låt mig seee, NU! :D
Twisted Life - Chapter Nine
(Klicka här för alla andra kapitel)
Chapter Nine
I just wanted a chance to say goodbye, one last time.
“Bella, do what you have to do. Just know this; I will be here for you.” She said and looked at me like she was about to cry anytime, if that were possible. “Always” and when she said that she hugged me.
She knew that I was leaving; I think she knew that from the beginning, to get away from all the memories. Like that would help, I would still have the memories in my head, stored in there for me to watch them over and over again, without having the power to get rid of them.
I closed my eyes so I wouldn’t scream; I wouldn’t show how much I was hurt to Alice, not anyone.
I needed to get out, now. I could not hold my feelings inside myself for much longer.
“Bye” I said and looked at her for a long, whole second. I could see the pain in her eyes when I looked in her beautiful, golden eyes.
Alice just stood in the hall looking at me. She didn’t look angry, – I thought she would, because I was leaving- but she looked like she worried. I guess she was worried about how I was dealing with this, and I don’t blame her for that. I was worried about that, too.
Well, I couldn’t deal with this; this was just too much for me to deal with.
After a while of running without having a goal I noted that I was halfway to my secret meadow.
“Well”, I thought “If Alice saw me here, then maybe it’s here I should be.” And I continued to run towards the meadow.
I tried to think of the Chinese alphabet, which I wasn’t that good at, just trying to think of something else than the pain in my dead, cold and non-beating heart.
When I arrived to the meadow I had thought of the Chinese alphabet twenty three times. The meadow looked- I couldn’t find the right word for it, it looked dead, just like my non-beating heart.
I laid down in the green grass, trying to think about the nature around me. Just trying to think about something else than the pain, it didn’t help. I could focus on both the nature and the pain that felt like it was about to kill me, as a vampire you can have many thoughts and feelings at the same time. I felt like I needed to scream, not a hold back scream, but a real scream, when I used all oxygen and power inside me. But of course I couldn’t do that, if I did, then the whole country would hear, if not the whole world.
I tried to shut the pictures out of my head, not successfully. Many pictures flashed through my mind, both the happy and the not so happy memories.
The memories of Jake and me, standing beside our car trying to fix it- well, it was more Jake that fixed the car, I just stood beside and helped him by lifting the car.
The memories of Jake’s face when I opened the door, his red eyes from crying, I felt a pain in my heart. I just wanted to help him, to make him stop crying.
When the memory of Jake screaming at me ran trough my mind, my whole body froze, it was a memory I didn’t want to think about.
I begun to think about what Jake might be doing now, maybe he walked around the streets now and just waiting for that special girl to show up. Or maybe he still was at home and waited for me to get back. But that was a though I couldn’t think, he wasn’t for me anymore.
I felt another wave of pain wash over me when I thought of that, that someone else would be the one to love him. To be the one he shared his secret with. How could anyone love him like I do? But just as long as Jake is happy, then I guess will be happy with him, at least as happy as I could be.
Then a thought hit me, he hadn’t been imprinted yet, his world hadn’t changed yet. Maybe he wants to be with me, even if it’s only for now.
Okay, I will do it; I will run to Jake’s house and pay him a visit.
I just wanted a chance to say goodbye, one last time.
When I ran towards Jake’s house I felt, well happy is to exaggerate, but I almost felt happier than before. I would get a real goodbye from Jake. I would get a goodbye when he still loved me, when we both loved each others just as much as the other does.
When I ran up on his porch and to the door, it felt so, so usual. I felt like something was wrong, very wrong.
I knocked lightly on the door; if I wasn’t careful the door would become wood chips, and waited for Jake to open the door.
But it wasn’t Jake that opened the door, it was a girl. The smell of her hit me hard, she smelled really good. And her smell was foreign, I hadn’t met her before. Who was she?
She was dark-skinned just like Jake, and her hair was dark-brown, with just a hint of red. She was really beautiful, a big smile with teeth that weren’t perfect, but she were really pretty. She looked just like the girl in the dream I had have about Jake and a girl with two small boys.
Then an awful thought came through my mind, was this his imprint? My face changed from happy to blank on just half a second. She saw that and her smile vanished quickly.
“Jake! There is someone at the door!” She screamed while she turned around, leaving me at the door. She could as easily just whispered, Jake would hear it anyway.
She walked to the living room to sit down in the couch, Billy sat there, too. I could tell by the smell.
“Who is it?” Jake said while he came out to the hall with a big grin. His big grin vanished when he saw me, it were replaced with a surprised and afraid facial expression. I would have been started running away by now, if I would have been able to move. All the muscles in my body were locket, I couldn't even breath. I just stared at him, he was beautiful, and it looked like he was glowing.
“Bella” he said and his voice sounded empty, like he hadn’t any feelings left for me.
By then I already knew, that girl was his imprint. I wouldn’t get my last goodbye. He was totally happy with a new girl, and I wasn’t.
I turned around, I wanted to get away as soon as possible, and begun to walk very fast out of his house. I couldn’t run because his new girlfriends were there, she couldn’t know what I was. It was very frustrating; I just wanted to get away as soon as possible.
Luckily, for me, my body worked with me and I turned around and begun to walk away.
“Bella! Wait, please wait!” Jake shouted when he ran after me. I stopped so fast that he ran past me. When he had walked the two steps that he needed to stand in front of me, he looked at me with a worried gaze.
“Just tell me what you want, and then let me leave.” I said, trying to control my voice. I couldn’t look at him, I looked down at the ground, if I looked at him I wouldn’t be able to control myself; I would either run away or something else I didn’t even want to think about.
“I’m so sorry, Bella. I still love you, ‘know.” I snorted when he said that, why would he love me when he had her? I felt like my legs couldn’t bare me anymore, like I would collapse. I needed to focus so I wouldn’t fall down.
“Bella, don’t be stupid! I still love you. Shit… How can I tell you this without hurting you more than I already have?” I sighed in response. I already knew what he would tell me. And he couldn’t save me from being hurt; I was already as hurt as I could.
“I love you, but I can’t love anyone more than I love Jan.” So, his imprint’s name was Jan. Well, What the hell? I didn’t care, I tried to convince myself, but I was a bad liar, I couldn’t even lie successfully to myself.
“’Course, I know that…” I said and begun to walk away, still having my gaze on the ground.
“No, I don’t think you understand. I still feel the same way I felt before I got this imprint. I still love you.” He said and grabbed my shoulders with both his hands. I looked away, into the forest. I didn’t want to meet his gaze, and then I would probably drown in this intolerable pain.
“Bella, look at me!” He said fiercely. I slowly changed my gaze from the forest to him. His eyes were filled with tears. By now I couldn't look away, I was caught up in his gaze that I wouldn’t have noticed Jan walking towards us it weren’t for her smell that scratched in my nose.
Jan cleared her throat loudly. I guess she wanted to know what we were doing, and what we were talking about.
“Eh, Jan this is Bella.” Jake said and dropped his hands. I could see the difference of Jake when Jan was near. His whole body was changed in a way I couldn’t explain, even for myself. He were almost smiling.
“Hi”, Jan said and I could hear the sadness in her voice, like she was worried that I would steal Jake from her, She didn’t know how much I wanted that to be true, as if that could happen. Then she turned away from me to look at Jake, and he smiled towards her. He was really happy with her, much happier than when he was with me. That made me feel that pain again.
“Maybe I should go now” I said and walked away. Jan didn’t pay any attention to me, she just looked at Jake.
“No, you can stay if-” Jake begun, but when he turned his head towards me and saw my facial expression he interrupted himself.
I didn’t want to stay for one second more, I didn’t want to see them together, I didn’t want to se anyone at all for a long, long time.
“Bye. I will miss you, a lot.” He mimed when he hugged Jan with his head towards me.
I just turned away my head, I couldn’t answer him; I couldn’t even begin to tell him how much I would miss him. I would fade away without him, I wouldn’t have a life to live, if you can call what I do living.
Why did he do this to me? And why would he miss me? He had Jan, I had no one; I would miss him, a lot. Could he ever understand how much I would miss him?
When I had walked towards the forest I had felt that he watched every step I took. I didn’t knew what to feel about that, why couldn’t he just hate me, that would make all of this a lot easier.
I began to run as fast as I could when I had passed the first tree of the whole forest, I couldn’t get away fast enough.
How could I survive this? How could anyone survive this?
Bilder från Eclipse!
Jag vill börja med att säga:
Jag har varit JÄTTE dålig på att blogga!
Men nu ska jag försöka ändra på det ;)
Saken är den att i helgen kommer jag inte att hinna, men efter det ska jag börja blogga som bara den!
Här är några bilder jag har hittat som är från inpelningen av Eclipse
Boo Boo - Sweden Fans Are Awsome!
Boo-boo uppdaterade sin Twitter och skrev:
Tack Boo-boo! :D
Blir inte alla ni glada? ;D
Nikki Reed är Team jacob ; Edward är för komplicerad
Nikki Reed talade med The Chicago Sun Times om New Moon. Hon avslöjade för första gången att även fast hon spelar en Cullen, så är hon faktiskt Team Jacob.
“I’m definitely Team Jacob Black,” säger hon. “The appeal of Edward Cullen is that he’s so complicated. That’s hard for a girl to resist. He’s mysterious and untouchable in New Moon again and leaves you wanting more."
“Then there is Jacob, who meets Bella and has a playful relationship with her that feels a lot more normal and relatable. Except that he’s a werewolf.”
[ Källa ]
En rolig video | EJ TWILIGHT
Ni måste bara se den!
Skrattade så jag fick tårar i ögonen!
Tim Testar T.E.N.S:
Video hyllning av Rachelle
Här är den:
Twilight skådespelarna i reklamer!
och förut har ni sett Jackson Rathbones två som är mot rökning och Kellans som var för någon slags dricka.
Här kommer fler:
Kristen för Porsche:
Kellan för Hillary Duffs parfym:
Taylor : (i en musikvideo)
Jacksons olika radioreklamer:
Videoklipp med Kellan ur Accepted
Här kommer videos med Kellan ur Accepted! :D
Kolla och njut! :D
Fan gjorda klipp!
Syns dom för er?
För på min dator syns dom inte .. :/´
Här kommer lite Fangjorda klipp:
Cascada - Everytime We Touch
Bellas lullaby
Lifehouse - Everything
Hoppas ni gillar dom ^^
Tävling på twilightlovers!!
Twilightlovers har en tävling där man kan vinna posters!:D
Det enda man måste göra är att mejla in ens namn och Adress så är man med och tävlar! :D
Vad väntar ni på? Gå in och tävla nu! :D
Twisted Life - Chapter Eight
(Om du inte läst dom andra kapitlen eller missat att läsa några, gå då in här och läs!)
Chapter Eight
When you have something right in front of you, you often don’t notice it.
When I came to Jake’s house I could smell the scent of my family. Why had they been here? And it was just for minutes ago they were here, if not just less than a minute. The scent was fresh and strong, I could smell that Jasper, Alice, Emmet and Carlisle had been here.
I got that weird feeling in my stomach again when I came closer to the family Black’s house. Why had Jasper and Alice, Emmett and Carlisle been here?
I knocked lightly on the door; I heard that Jake stood in the hall. So he opened the door in less than a second.
The boy who I saw wasn’t Jake. At least it didn’t belong to the boy I knew as Jacob Black, this boy’s face was wet and his eyes were red. He had been crying, and that was a sight you won’t see often.
The pieces came to me as I thought of it, the smell of my family, Jake’s face…
“What’s wrong Jake?” I asked when he wiped the tears away from his cheek. I had never seen him cry, not even that time when I lost control...
What had they done to him?
“Nothing”, He said and I could hear that he still was crying.
I started to think, was Jake the problem Carlisle talked about? No, how could Jake be a problem?
“Alice told me to tell you to go home as soon as you got here” He sobered and then continued “Don’t leave. Please, don’t leave me. I love you. Please…” He couldn’t continue, his eyes were full of tears.
“I won’t leave” I said when I walked up to him and pulled him gently into my arms. “I won’t leave until you tell me to.” Why would I leave him now, when he needed me the most? “I love you, too.” I took a deep breath and said, “What’s wrong?”
He laid his cheek on my head. I didn’t manage to figure out what that was wrong.
“I’m a horrible person. Kill me. Kill me right now; I don’t deserve to live.” He said and backed out of my arms and fell down at the floor. The whole house shook when he collapsed on the floor.
What is he talking about? He needs to tell me, right now!
“Jake, I won’t kill you. That’s just stupid. Will you tell me what’s wrong?”
“No, no, no…” He moaned as the tears fell down on the floor. Now he really needed to tell me, what the hell that is wrong? Did Alice’s vision have anything to do with this?
“Jake”, I said when I sat down on the floor beside him. “Please tell me what happened when my family was here.” He really needed to tell me. I wanted to help him, to make him stop suffering. If my family had done something to him, then I would kill them!
“Bella, please, promise me that you’ll like me no matter what.” He said and looked at me with his red, wet eyes.
What the hell did he mean with that? Like him no matter what? “No. I can’t promise that.” I said and saw his face expression change. He looked terrified. “But I can promise to love you no matter what.”
When I said that, I saw that new tears fell down his cheek. What’s wrong now?
“That proves that I’m a horrible person! Kill me. Oh god, please kill me!” He moaned.
I didn't understand that, what did he mean with that? He hadn’t answered my question.
“Jake, No one would ever wanna kill you. Please, now answer me; what’s wrong?”
“Just leave, Bella. I’m not good for you.” he said and looked at his clasped hands.
“No, I won’t-” I begun but he didn't let me finish.
“Just leave!” He shouted at me fiercely. I’ve never heard him scream at me before, that was a new.
“Just leave me alone!” He shouted and I could hear that Billy sighed from the living room.
“If that’s what you want...” I began slowly to rise. “Then I won’t bother you moore then. Bye”, I said and left him crying. I went out the door. Leaving him like that was the hardest thing I had ever done, I just wanted him to be happy, to stop crying. But if he didn’t want me there… Then I would leave, it that was what he wanted.
I began to run home while I thought of what they must have said to him, to make him cry and scream like that.
When I came home everybody sat around the diner table, waiting, silently and perfectly still, for me.
“Bella, sit down.” Carlisle demanded me when I came in trough the door.
I felt like I needed to scream. Why did they sit here, perfectly still?
I went to sit down on my ordinary place beside Alice, but that was already taken by Jasper. He had moved from Carlisle’s side and now he sat beside Alice and Rosalie. I was a little surprised by that, but I didn’t want to think about it.
When I sat down beside Carlisle I looked out at everybody around the table. They all looked down, except Jasper and Esme.
Esme looked worried and Jasper just focused on my feelings. I didn’t even know if I felt anything by then, I just felt empty.
“Bella, I guess you know were some of us have been.” He said and I felt his gaze on me, but I just looked down at the white tablecloth. Esme had picked it out; she thought it would fit in just because the whole room was white. I didn’t really care if it fit in or not.
Emmett, who was sitting beside me, punched me lightly on the arm. I guess he meant to nice, but he has never been the one who is comforting.
I nodded as answer to Carlisle’s assumption, I didn’t know if my voice would bear.
“What did Jake tell you?” he asked still looking at me.
“Nothing”, I felt how small and hurt my voice sounded. And I did feel like that, I felt small and hurt. He hadn’t told me anything, not even a whisper about what was going on.
“Well Alice, it’s up to you.” He said and looked at Alice. She looked up, she looked a little confused at first, but then she turned towards me.
“Bella, I don’t know how to tell you this… But in my vision, well…” She stopped herself and looked down at the table.
“Well?” I asked and looked at her. When se met my gaze she looked like she didn’t want to tell me, she looked worried.
“Well, I saw you lying in the meadow, for days, maybe for weeks. And you looked… Hurt.” When she said the last word her voice broke and she looked down at the table again.
So? Is all this about me lying in the meadow for weeks? But then I came up with one thought, why would I lay in the meadow looking like I’m hurt?
“So? What does that have to do with Jake?” I asked her. My face was blank, I couldn’t think.
“Well, Bella. You aren’t his imprint you know...” Rosalie said when Alice couldn’t answer me. I could see Alice look anxiously at Rosalie before I looked down.
I couldn’t think, what the hell did she mean with that?
Then the coin fell down. I wasn’t his imprint, and then he will get imprinted on someone else…
If I would have a heart it would have stopped. Now Jake’s reaction made sense, why he cried, screamed and begged for me to kill him. I would have done the same thing.
“No…” I whispered. I felt that if I could, I would cry. I wanted to run, run away from everything. Run away from the pain I knew that would bee coming. I wanted to be able to run away from all of this. But I couldn’t move, breath anything or even wink.
“I’m so sorry Bella” I thought I heard someone say in the background, and I guess it was Esme. But I didn’t care; I just sat there and let the pain overwhelm me.
Kellan i filmen Accepted
Igår låg jag och kollade på filmen Accepted på kanal 6.
Jag har sett den förut, så jag kollade inte så noga..
Sen så när dom slår sönder väggen, vem står då på andra sidan av hålet om inte Kellan Lutz?
Han har ingen stor roll, men jag tipsar filmen till alla Kellan älskare! :D
Handligen kort:
Bartleby (B.) blir nekad från alla College han söker till.
Och med han föräldrar som förväntar sig mycket av honom blir det jobbigt för B.
Så han skapar the South Harmon Institute of Technology,och där blir han accpeterad, han är accepterad (tillsammans med hans vänner Rory, Hands, and Glen, vilka som också vart nekade).
Sen blir det inte riktigt som B hade tänkt sig när inte bara han och hans vänner vart accepterade,
utan många andra med...
Taylor Lautner Teen Vogue Cover Shoot backstage
Här är lite godis till alla er som är Team Jacob! :D (inkluderar mig själv^^)
Otroligt snygg är han! :D *dregel*
Tävling på thetwilightsaga!!
Thetwilightsaga har en jätte enkel och underbar tävling i sammarbete med CDON.
All man behöver göra är att fylla i sitt namn och adress.
1:a pris är en twilight t-shirt.
2:a är twilight pins.
Gå nu in på Thetwilightsaga och var med och tävla! :D